New Jersey Differences Between The Family Leave Act And The Family Medical Leave Act

In addition to the Family Medical Leave Act, a federal law, it is interesting to note that New Jersey has something called the Family Leave Act. The difference being that the New Jersey Act covers leave for family and their medical conditions, but not a personal medical condition, whereas the federal…
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Should I Take The Right To A Hearing For Disciplinary Action?

Should I Take The Right To A Hearing For Disciplinary Action? Whenever an employer gives you the right to have a hearing on disciplinary charges that the employer intends to impose on you, you should absolutely request and follow through and get that hearing. At that hearing, the employer is…
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What if an Officer Asks if I Have Been Drinking?

You must remember when a law enforcement officer pulls you over on suspicion of driving while intoxicated (DWI), they may record their interaction with…

Can My Employer Ask Me for a Doctor’s Note?

You may need to take the necessary time off of work to prioritize your health. You may have rightfully earned this time off through…

Can I Get Jail Time After a Misdemeanor?

Otherwise known as a disorderly persons offense, a misdemeanor is taken quite seriously in the state of New Jersey. Though it may not compare…

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