Cost of Having Lawyer Representation At An Employer Discrimination Case

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Cost of Having Lawyer Representation At An Employer Discrimination Case

Employees often ask what it cost to have a lawyer represent them in an employment discrimination case and often the answer depends on the kind of case. A lot of times, employees want to be represented on a contingent basis which means that the employee doesn’t pay until the case is settled or favorably resolved and then the attorney will take a percentage. Sometimes, those arrangements can be worked out. Employees often have to remember, however, that there may be some retainer up front and there’s often a responsibility that the employee is always to partly financially responsible for paying the litigation expenses. So, if a case is lost, sometimes they are, the employee is still responsible for those litigation expenses which can sometimes be upward of $10,000. We work with our clients all the time to maintain a financial relationship that is workable for the client in their particular situation.

If you require strong legal representation for matters of employment law, personal injury, real estate, or criminal defense, contact an experienced attorney at the Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. today to schedule an initial consultation.

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