Experienced New Jersey & Pennsylvania Criminal Defense Lawyers

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Criminal & Municipal

The Vigilante Law Firm handles a variety of criminal and municipal issues for individuals in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. If you have been charged with a DWI, our firm can help you fight the charges. If you have been issued a traffic ticket, including speeding, reckless driving, driving without a license, or a cell phone violation, a criminal defense lawyer at our firm can help you navigate these legal matters. If you are eligible for an expungement, our firm can guide you through this complicated, document-heavy process. The Vigilante Law Firm is honored to be a legal resource for the people of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. If you need our help from an experienced criminal defense lawyer, contact our firm for a consultation.

DWI Defense

Being charged with a DUI is a serious matter. Drunk driving is an issue that law enforcement and courts are proactive in fighting. Both states have similar laws and consequences for those who are caught over the legal limit. The only scientific way to establish the amount of alcohol in a person’s system is through the assessment of one’s blood alcohol content (BAC). For both states, the legal limit of alcohol is 0.08% BAC.

Traffic Violations

Both New Jersey and Pennsylvania follow a point system for traffic violations. If you are issued a traffic ticket for any of the various infractions, it is important to have quality legal representation to help you avoid points to your driving record. In both states, points to one’s driving record have a financial impact.


An arrest record or conviction can seriously impact a person’s future. An arrest or conviction can affect one’s ability to get a job, housing, and may even impact schooling. If eligible, one can solve this problem through the process of expungement. Expungement is a way to “clear” one’s criminal record from the public eye.

Our Recent Blogs

Can I Get a DWI with a BAC Level Under 0.08 Percent?

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What Are My Rights at a DWI Checkpoint on New Year’s?

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