What You Should Know About Child Endangerment in New Jersey

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Child endangerment in New Jersey is a serious offense. That is why if you have been charged, you will need to retain the services of one of our experienced New Jersey criminal defense lawyers as soon as possible to begin your defense. Contact us today to get started.

How does New Jersey define child endangerment?

New Jersey takes child endangerment charges very seriously. The state has a number of statutes for child endangerment laws including the following:

  • “Any person having a legal duty for the care of a child who has assumed responsibility for the care of a child who engages in sexual conduct which would impair or debauch the morals of the child is guilty of a crime of the second degree. Any other person who engages in conduct or who causes harm as described in this paragraph to a child is guilty of a crime of the third degree.”
  • “Any person having a legal duty for the care of a child or who has assumed responsibility for the care of a child who causes the child harm that would make the child an abused or neglected child as defined in R.S. 9:6-1, R.S. 9:6-3 and P.L. 1974, c. 119, § 1 is guilty of a crime of the second degree. Any other person who engages in conduct or who causes harm as described in this paragraph to a child is guilty of a crime of the third degree.”

What are the consequences of a child endangerment charge in New Jersey?

If you were charged with child endangerment in New Jersey, you can expect a number of severe life-altering consequences. Below are the three degrees of child endangerment and their penalties in New Jersey:

  • Third-Degree: With this charge, you can encounter up to 5 years in prison for third-degree child endangerment in New Jersey.
  • Second-Degree: Here, you may face up to 10 years in state prison for second-degree child endangerment in New Jersey.
  • First-Degree: You may face 20 years in state prison and a fine of up to $250,000 if you are convicted of child endangerment in the first degree in New Jersey.

Do not wait to reach out to our firm today to learn more about how our firm can help you. No matter what you are facing, our experienced New Jersey criminal defense lawyers are on your side and will fight for you and your rights. All you have to do is give us a call.

Contact our Firm

The dedicated and compassionate attorneys at Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. would be happy to provide you with assistance in your case and help you protect your future when so much is on the line. Contact us today to schedule a consultation so we can assess the specific circumstances surrounding your lawsuit.

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