What Can Happen After Violating Probation in NJ?

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The consequences of violating probation can be serious. If you were caught doing this, you will want to give our firm a call today to speak with our experienced New Jersey criminal defense lawyers. We are on your side no matter what.

What are the rules for probation in New Jersey?

In the state of New Jersey, those facing criminal charges can be placed on probation for one to five years. Depending on the person’s behavior, the probation time can be extended or end sooner. A probation officer may perform spontaneous check-ins to make sure the offender is following the rules. In the event that any probation guidelines are violated, the individual can be charged with a probation violation. Some of the most common probation guidelines include the following:

  • Maintaining employment
  • Paying fines associated with the charges you are facing
  • Meeting with your probation officer
  • Participating in community service
  • Attending counseling
  • Abiding by a curfew
  • Not breaking any laws
  • Urine monitoring

To learn more about probation violation consequences in New Jersey, continue reading and give our skilled legal team a call today.

What are the effects of violating probation?

In the event that an individual is seen violating probation, his or her probation officer will file a Violation of Probation (VOP) complaint with the court. This document will outline the violation in detail. Once that is done, a court hearing will be held to determine whether the complaint is valid or not. If the offender does not show up, a warrant can be issued for his arrest, which can cause even more legal issues. During the hearing, the judge will listen to the individual’s motivation. If the judge finds that he or she did not violate probation, the individual can be let go. If the judge discovers that according to the rules, the offender is guilty, fines can be charged relying on the harshness of the case. In some circumstances, violating probation can result in time in jail.

It is in your best interest to reach out to our firm today if you have any questions or concerns regarding probation policies in New Jersey, or if you have violated your probation. Our legal team acknowledges that people make mistakes, and it is our goal to protect your rights. Do not wait to reach out to our firm today to speak with one of our skilled New Jersey criminal defense attorneys. We are just one call away. We look forward to speaking with you.

Contact our Firm

The dedicated and compassionate attorneys at Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. would be happy to provide you with assistance in your case and help you protect your future when so much is on the line. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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