Why do I need a will?

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Though many people don’t want to think about what will happen after they pass away, it is a reality that we all face. In order to make this emotional time a little bit less stressful for your loved ones, it is valuable to have a will prepared. Having a will can protect the assets you worked so hard to obtain in your life and make sure that they do not end up in the wrong hands when you are gone.

You should be sure to update your will when a major life change has taken place in your life. It is important to update this document when you get married, have a child, get divorced, etc.

It is important to keep your will updated whenever you obtain a new substantial asset. If you do not have a will prepared, your loved ones will have to deal with determining what to do with all of your belongings in the emotional time after you pass away. This can be an unnecessary stress on your family and may cause rifts within a family that was once very tightly knit.

The state will give your belongings to your spouse, your children, your parents, or any other remaining immediate family members. If you do not have any immediate family, all of your assets will be given to the state you reside in. Assets include all of your bank accounts, your real estate, your cars, boats, furniture, and anything else that you are the owner of.

If you are unsure of how to prepare a will, you should consult with an experienced wills, trusts, and estates attorney. They will have you list all of your assets, your beneficiaries, the guardians you may appoint to children, and other information about yourself. Contact the Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. today if you have any questions about preparing a will.

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