What is under-insured and uninsured motorist insurance and do I need it?

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Under-insured and uninsured insurance coverage is extremely important. If you have for example, a $300,000 policy and you are hit in a motor vehicle accident by a driver who is a $15,000 policy, you can only recover, assuming that your injuries qualify, $15,000 from the driver of the automobile who hit you. You’re under-insured policy would come in to cover you up to the $100,000 or $300,000 limit so it’s extremely important that you make sure that you have coverage on your policy in case you’re ever hit by a driver who either has no insurance at all, or is under-insured.

If you have been injured in an accident on another person’s property, contact an experienced premises liability attorney at Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. today to schedule an initial consultation.

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