New Jersey Nursing Home Negligence

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One of the most difficult decisions that an individual may find themselves faced with at some point in life is when a loved one can no longer live on their own and may have to consider a nursing home. This is often very nervewracking for a family to deal with because it seems as though nearly everyone knows someone who has had a bad experience with a nursing home. Unfortunately, nursing homes throughout New Jersey and across the United States are severely understaffed. Even more unfortunate is the amount of nursing home residents that are the subject of abuse and neglect.

Families across New Jersey trust that their loved ones will be well taken care of in nursing homes. When the standard of care is not what it should be, the family may want to consider speaking with an experienced attorney to determine if the nursing home is violating state health regulations. Some of the most common types of nursing home negligence include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Dehydration
  • Malnourishment
  • Bedsores
  • Discrimination
  • Verbal or physical abuse

If you believe that your loved one is suffering from abuse or neglect in a nursing care facility, contact our firm today to discuss your legal options.

The dedicated and compassionate attorneys at Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. would be happy to provide you with assistance in your case and help you protect your future when so much is on the line. Contact us today to schedule a consultation so we can assess the specific circumstances surrounding your lawsuit.

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