Do I need a real estate attorney to help me buy or sell a house?

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When it comes time to buy or sell a home in New Jersey, individuals are often embarking on a new chapter of their life. There are several reasons for which an individual needs to retain an experienced real estate attorney to guide them through this complicated process. One of the most important things that a real estate attorney will do for a buyer or seller is to create the contract. Once the contract is prepared by the attorney or another party, it needs to be signed by both the buyer and the seller. However, before the buyer and the seller go any further with the sale, New Jersey requires that the contract undergoes an attorney review that lasts three days.

Some of the factors that will be addressed during the three-day attorney review include any negotiations regarding repairs done by the seller, closing costs, and the cost of the house itself. In addition, your attorney can make sure the title of the house is clean and there are no other legal issues that may arise. An attorney can represent your best interests and help you negotiate towards the outcome you had hoped for. It is also important to note that during the three-day attorney review period, the contract can be terminated. If you are considering buying or selling a house, contact our firm today.

The dedicated and compassionate attorneys at Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. would be happy to provide you with assistance in your case and help you recover the compensation you are entitled to. Contact us today to schedule a consultation so we can assess the specific circumstances surrounding your lawsuit.

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