Can I Get a DWI Expunged from My Record?

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There are many penalties associated with driving while intoxicated (DWI) in the state of New Jersey. But the biggest penalty of all is that this charge may be put on your permanent criminal record. Follow along to find out whether you can get a DWI expunged from your criminal record and how a proficient Gloucester County DWI lawyer at The Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. can work on your behalf.

What are the consequences of a DWI charge in the state of New Jersey?

Before all else, you must understand the penalties at stake if you are pulled over on suspicion of driving while intoxicated. These penalties are contingent on your blood-alcohol content (BAC) level at the time of your stop, along with whether this is your first offense or a repeated offense. The specific consequences of a DWI charge, as enforced by New Jersey law, are as follows:

  • First-offense DWI with a BAC of less than 0.10 percent:
    • Incarceration for up to 30 days.
    • A fine of between $250 to $400.
    • A surcharge of $1,000 each year for three years.
    • An ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle for three months.
    • Attendance of the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) for between 12 to 48 hours.
  • First-offense DWI with a BAC of more than 0.10 percent:
    • Incarceration for up to 30 days.
    • A fine of between $300 to $500.
    • Forfeiture of your license until you install an IID.
    • An IID in your vehicle for seven to 12 months.
    • Attendance of the IDRC for between 12 to 48 hours.
  • Second-offense DWI:
    • Incarceration for up to 90 days.
    • A fine of between $500 to $1,000.
    • Forfeiture of your license for up to two years.
    • An IID in your vehicle.
    • Attendance of the IDRC for between 12 to 48 hours.
  • Third-offense DWI:
    • Incarceration for up to 180 days.
    • A fine of up to $1,000.
    • A surcharge of $1,500 each year for three years.
    • Forfeiture of your license for up to 10 years.
    • An IID in your vehicle.
    • Attendance of the IDRC for between 12 to 48 hours.

Can I get a DWI expunged from my criminal record?

In addition to the penalties listed above, your DWI charge may be added to your criminal record. This may affect many other aspects of your life, such as your ability to gain employment, loans, housing, and more.

With this, you may want to file a petition to expunge your DWI from your criminal record. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely to do so in the state of New Jersey. This is because your DWI may be considered a traffic offense rather than a criminal offense. Though, there is a possibility that this offense may be removed from your record after 10 years.

If you are ready and willing to fight off these charges placed against you, then you must employ a talented Gloucester County, NJ expungement lawyer today. We look forward to working alongside you.

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