Wrongful Termination in New Jersey | What You Need to Know

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In some cases, employers will terminate employees as a result of discrimination or retaliation. If this occurs, the employer can be sued for wrongful termination. Read on to learn more about wrongful termination in New Jersey, what it entails, and what you can do about it.

What is “Employment at Will?”

New Jersey is considered an “employment at will” state. This means that in many cases, employers have the legal right to terminate an employee for no reason at all. Unfortunately, some employees will be terminated, even if they are doing well at their jobs. If this occurs, there is likely nothing you can do. But, there are some cases in which legal action is warranted.

What is Wrongful Termination?

You may have a case for wrongful termination if you believe you were fired due to discrimination or retaliation. If you believe your employer terminated your position because of your race, age, gender, or another factor or trait protected under the Civil Rights Act, there is a good chance you have a case. Additionally, if you reported wrongdoing on the part of your employer and you lost your job as a result, you may have a claim as well.

Discrimination in the Workplace

Unfortunately, discrimination in the workplace is common. If you are discriminated against for one of the following factors, you likely have a claim:

  1. Affectional orientation
  2. Age
  3. Ancestry
  4. Atypical blood trait
  5. Atypical cellular trait
  6. Civil union status
  7. Skin color
  8. Religion
  9. Disability
  10. Domestic partnership status
  11. Gender expression
  12. Gender identity
  13. Genetic information
  14. Marital status
  15. Military service
  16. National origin
  17. Nationality
  18. Race
  19. Sex
  20. Sexual orientation

What do I do if I Believe I Have Been Wrongfully Terminated?

If you have been fired, the first thing you should do is speak with your employer and ask for his or her reasoning as to why your position was terminated. Be sure that your employer’s reasoning is in writing. If your employer’s answer seems insufficient, lacking in substance, or is clearly untrue, you should reach out to an experienced employment lawyer right away.

Our firm is here to advocate for you. Reach out to speak with an experienced and dedicated attorney about your case today.

Contact our Firm

The dedicated and compassionate attorneys at Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. would be happy to provide you with assistance in your case and help you protect your future when so much is on the line. Contact us today to schedule a consultation so we can assess the specific circumstances surrounding your lawsuit.

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