What Are the Consequences of a Commercial DWI in NJ?

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If you were charged with a commercial DWI in New Jersey, continue reading and give our skilled Gloucester County DWI lawyer a call to discuss your options. We are on your side no matter what you are facing.

How does the state of New Jersey define a commercial vehicle?

In order to be considered a commercial vehicle in New Jersey, there are several different requirements that a vehicle must satisfy. Also, it is important to note that a vehicle that is deemed a commercial vehicle will likely mandate the driver to have a commercial license to operate it. The following vehicles will be considered commercial vehicles, and in turn, will require a commercial license:

  • A truck with a tank
  • A truck with double or triple trailers
  • A passenger vehicle
  • A truck carrying hazardous materials

What are the consequences of a commercial DWI in New Jersey?

It is important to note that any type of DWI in New Jersey is a severe crime in New Jersey. If you were seen by law enforcement operating a commercial vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of .04% or higher, you can anticipate facing the following serious consequences:

  • Up to 30 days in jail
  • A 1-year CDL license suspension
  • A 3-month suspension of your driver’s license
  • Up to 48 hours at the intoxicated driver resource center (IDRC)
  • Up to $400 in fines

Additionally, you will want to note that if you are seen operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of .10% or higher, you will encounter even more severe penalties. If this charge is your second offense, you may lose your license, which can have a negative effect on those who drive a commercial vehicle for a living. If you have been charged, do not hesitate to give our legal team a call today. Our skilled New Jersey criminal defense attorneys are committed to ensuring that you and your future are a priority. We are just one call away.

How are commercial DWIs and regular DWIs in New Jersey different from one another?

When comparing commercial vehicle DWIs versus a typical DWI charge in New Jersey, you will want to keep in mind that those who drive a commercial vehicle are held to a higher standard. Essentially, a person with a regular driver’s license can face DWI charges if he or she is pulled over with a blood alcohol concentration of .08% or higher. On the contrary, if a person is operating a commercial vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of .04%, he or she can be charged with a DWI.

Do not wait to reach out to our firm today if you were charged with any DWI offense in New Jersey. Our experienced lawyers are committed to ensuring that you and your future are protected.

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