How Do I Address My Hostile Work Environment?

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It is difficult to remain productive in the workplace when you are distressed over its hostile culture. Continue reading to learn how to address the issues with your workplace and how an experienced hostile work environment lawyer in Glouster County NJ, at The Vigilante Law Firm, P.C., can guide you through your legal proceedings.

What constitutes a hostile work environment in New Jersey?

According to New Jersey law, a hostile work environment is considered one in which workers exude conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, or harassing. Importantly, such conduct must occur incessantly rather than as an isolated incident. What’s more, such conduct must truly qualify as harassment rather than just simple teasing. Examples of what may constitute a hostile work environment are as follows:

  • An employer persistently says slurs or offensive jokes about your sex, race, or other protected characteristic.
  • A manager persistently criticizes you and even gets verbally or physically aggressive toward you.
  • An employee persistently isolates you from team meetings, discussions, social events, etc.
  • A client persistently makes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or sexual jokes toward you.

How do I address the issues with my hostile work environment?

If you can confirm that you have been made a victim of a hostile work environment, then you may address this issue with your employer and your company’s Human Resources department. More specifically, you may be required to fill out an official complaint form and attend follow-up meetings to discuss this series of incidents.

But say, for instance, that you have noticed the punitive actions that your employer has taken against employees who report this unwelcome, offensive, or harassing behavior. And ultimately, this may make you tentative with submitting your complaint. Well, this is a case for a hostile work environment in and of itself. This is when you may begin to explore your legal actions. For your claim against your employer, you may want to take the following approach:

  1. Collect proof that your employer knew or should have known about the harassment and failed to take action to stop it (i.e., a copy of your official complaint form).
  2. Collet proof that the incidents of harassment did occur (i.e., emails, text messages, and anything else sent in the written word, along with photos and videos).
  3. Collect the contact information of witnesses who saw the incidents of harassment occur (i.e., ask if they are willing to testify in your case).
  4. Collect proof that you filed a complaint of harassment with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (i.e., any relevant federal or state agency).

There is no time like the present when bringing your complaint forward. So reach out to one of the skilled New Jersey employment lawyers from The Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. today.

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