How Can a Felony Conviction Affect My Life?

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You may be well aware of the penalties that are associated with your felony offense, whether it be jail time, fines, or otherwise. But you may not fully understand the extent to which your permanent criminal record may have on your day-to-day life. Continue reading to learn how a felony conviction may affect your life and how one of the experienced New Jersey & Pennsylvania criminal defense lawyers at The Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. can work to clear your name.

In what ways might a felony conviction affect my life?

The unfortunate truth of the matter is that, even in today’s society, there is a negative stigma toward criminal records. So while you may be trying to get your life back on track after your felony conviction, it may be difficult to overcome all the barriers placed before you. Without further ado, a felony offense may affect the following aspects of your life:

  • Your conviction may ruin your opportunities for completing higher education.
  • Your conviction may ruin your opportunities for obtaining employment.
  • Your conviction may ruin your opportunities for obtaining child custody rights.
  • Your conviction may ruin your opportunities for qualifying for loans.
  • Your conviction may ruin your opportunities for qualifying for housing.

Can I get my felony conviction removed from my record?

You may have significantly changed as a person since the time you were convicted of a felony. But simply being remorseful for your actions does not remove this offense from your permanent criminal record. Rather, you may have to work toward filing a Petition for Expungement with the Superior Court in the county where your arrest or prosecution took place. From here, a judge may determine whether or not you qualify for an Expungement Order. They may base their decision on the following circumstances:

  • The type of felony offense that you have been accused of (for example, crimes against children do not qualify).
  • The number of felony offenses that you have been accused of.
  • The nature of the felony offenses that you have been accused of.
  • The amount of time that has passed since you have been accused of these felony offenses.

It is not fair for you to have to worry about a felony conviction on your permanent criminal record that you believe you were not guilty of in the first place. This is why you must get ahead of the situation and fight back on these charges while still undergoing your criminal trial proceedings.

With that being said, if a strong criminal defense is something you wish to obtain today, then you must reach out to one of the experienced New Jersey criminal defense lawyers from The Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. We await sitting down with you at your initial consultation.

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