Can I Get a Hardship License if I Get a DWI in New Jersey?

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If your license is suspended due to a DWI charge, you may be wondering what your options are. For many people, their driver’s license is the way they get to school, work, errands, and more. In some states, those who have had their licenses suspended can access a hardship license, which would allow them to drive to certain places at certain hours. Read on to learn more about hardship licenses in New Jersey.

What are the Consequences of a DWI in New Jersey?

First Offense DWI

When a driver is pulled over for a DWI for the first time, there are many consequences the driver may face. For drivers with a BAC over 0.08% but under 0.10%, penalties may include:

  • Up to 30 days in jail
  • Loss of license for 3 months
  • A $1000 yearly surcharge for 3 years
  • A $250-$400 fee
  • A $100 Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Fund fee
  • A $100 Drunk Driving Fund Fee
  • A $75 Neighborhood Services Fund Fee
  • 12-48 hours in the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center

Why Would My License be Taken Away?

When a person receives a traffic violation or a certain number of violations, they may lose their driving privileges. The purpose of a license suspension is to deter them from engaging in this behavior in the future. This can impact a person’s life in many ways, as it can interfere with their ability to get to work, drive their children, etc. 

What is a Hardship License?

There are a variety of states that may allow a person to receive a special type of license in the event that theirs is suspended due to traffic violations, even including DWI’s. This is commonly known as a hardship license. When a driver is issued a hardship license, it allows them to have certain driving privileges while their standard license is suspended. This can let them drive under certain circumstances.

Can I Get a Hardship License in New Jersey?

Unfortunately, the state of New Jersey does not issue hardship licenses to drivers. A driver charged with a DWI in the state of New Jersey is not able to request this license for any work or school necessities.

If you are facing DWI charges in New Jersey, contact our firm today to discuss your options.

Contact our Firm

The dedicated and compassionate attorneys at Vigilante Law Firm, P.C. would be happy to provide you with assistance in your case and help you protect your future when so much is on the line. Contact us today to schedule a consultation so we can assess the specific circumstances surrounding your lawsuit.

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